Pose - Engravables By Rhythm Photo Tips

Here are some tips to help you make the most our of your customized engraving experience.


1. Photo Quality

Please ensure that the photo you are uploading is high quality and not blurry. Photos with plain colored backgrounds are prefferred for our design team to be able to create your image. Should your image be of poor quality or have too patterned of a background we may not be able to create your necklace.

2. Dancer Positioning

Our engraving creates a darkened silhouette on the metal. We currently cannot engrave shaded areas like a photograph. If your dancer has their leg or arms forward pointing directly at the camera we suggest you choose the outline photo option as the full solid engraving will most likely not engrave as beautifully as you had hoped. A dancer whose arm is coming across the body in front of them will appear all black in the solid engraving option and will not show the detail and line of the arm.

3. Dancer Clothing

Photos of dancers wearing clothing that is more snug often turn out better. If your dancer is wearing a loose fitting costume please know that will be engraved into the necklace. If your dancer has a piece of their costume that is bulky in areas or covering parts of their legs or arms you may not get as clean of a line in the silhouette as you were hoping for.

4. Intricate details
Please remember that the jewelry is much smaller than it appears on your screen, so often times tiny details are lost in the engraving process. Strands of hair, details on costumes,  and accessories are often not able to be seen in the final product.

5. Custom Engraved Jewellery is NON REFUNDABLE so please make sure you have uploaded the correct image. If you are unsure if your image will engrave nicely you can email it to sales@rhythmjewellery.com and we would be happy to talk you through your order. Due to their customizable nature we ask that you allow us 2 weeks to create your necklace before it is shipped.


Happy Dancing!